CFT members are fiercely dedicated to our students and their
families because we believe in the power and promise of public
education. We know that our profession, our schools, our
colleges, and students are worth fighting for.
As a union of educators and dedicated workers at public schools
and colleges, we know that standing together is our best bet to
ensure we have the pay and benefits that we need to serve our
students well. It’s how we’ll win the policies and funding that
truly support a quality education for every California student!
We will not be silenced
Billionaires are waging a campaign to convince teachers,
school workers, and other public sector employees that our best
option is to go it alone. Their real aim is to limit our voice
and our ability to advocate for the pay, benefits, and working
conditions that we need to serve our students and their families.
- They aren’t looking out for us, and they’re not looking out
for public education.
- Together, we can protect our profession, our schools and our
It is up to us to stand together to make sure there is
a strong voice for quality public education in