Part-Time Faculty
CFT One Faculty Task Force Vision
Since 2023, the CFT One Faculty Task Force — made up of classroom and non-classroom part-time and full-time faculty from throughout the state — has met regularly to develop a strategic plan to transform the current exploitative two-tier system of faculty in the California community colleges into a one-tier system. As a first step in this process, the task force focused on clarifying what a one-tier faculty structure would look like. As we build a statewide campaign, the work of the task force will be driven by the following Agreements on Principles and Goals, which define our vision.
CFT Pushes Forward on a Vision of a One-Tier/Unified Faculty Model
CFT’s One-Tier Task force and CFT members, after over eight months of discussion, has created a definitive list of basic components deemed essential for what a one-faculty model should look like in the California community college system.
The work is the result of a team of core community college union leaders and activists, composed equally of both part and full-time members.
Bittersweet Legislative Year for CFT Part-time Faculty
Bittersweet would best describe the end results of the 2022-2023 legislative season for community college part-time faculty.
One of the clear positives was the realization of a record 8.22% cost-of-living allowance for California Community Colleges, up .09% from Governor Newsom’s initial proposal of an 8.13% COLA in January. The COLA followed off a fairly robust COLA of 6.56% in 2021-2022.