***September 30, 2024 Update – Governor Newsom has signed AB 2245 and vetoed AB 2088, AB 2277, AB 2586, and SB 1182**

Five critical pieces of legislation are on the Governor’s desk. Please take a moment to sign the letters below, urging him to sign these important bills.

Yes on AB 2245: permanent employment status for ROCP CTE instructors – Assembly Bill 2245 (Carillo) would help bring parity to Career Technical Education (CTE) instructors employed at Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCPs) operated by a single school district by ensuring they are able to obtain permanent employee status, like other educators in California.

Yes on AB 2088: Classified staff should have the right to a full-time job – Too often California’s public schools and community colleges only offer part-time employment to classified staff. This means classified staff must hold multiple jobs to provide for themselves and their families, and that they often go without healthcare. CFT-sponsored AB 2088 would guarantee existing classified employees the right of first refusal to more hours of work to become full-time employees.

Yes on AB 2277: Increase the workload cap for part-time community college faculty – Three years ago, CFT sponsored a bill to raise the workload cap for part-time community college faculty. Governor Newsom vetoed the bill, citing the potential impact on healthcare costs. The following year, CFT won a historic campaign, winning $200 million in ongoing, annual funding for healthcare for part-time community college faculty. Now, there is a new bill (AB 2277) calling on Governor Newsom to once again raise the workload cap. And we need you to take action to ensure the Governor signs it.

Yes on AB 2586: Equal access to campus job opportunities for all students –  AB 2586, also known as the Opportunity for All Act, would allow California students at all UC, CSU, and community college campuses equal access to campus job opportunities, regardless of their immigration status.

Yes on SB 1182: Time for a Statewide Master Plan for Healthy, Sustainable, and Climate-Resilient Schools – As California’s climate changes and extreme weather events such as heat, smoke, and flooding intensify, our aging public school infrastructure is increasingly unable to provide a healthy and safe learning environment. This threatens our health and safety as teachers and school staff and has serious, life altering impacts on our students. Sign the letter today, urging Governor Newsom to create this critical plan for the future of our schools and our students.