Member-driven committees examine educational issues
Serving on a union committee is a great way to share your expertise and further your profession. The standing committees of the CFT work on areas of interest to educators, ranging from special education to labor education. The committees meet several times a year, usually on Saturdays, and the CFT covers the cost of travel expenses.
- Find the schedule of committee meetings here.
- If you want to serve on union committee, please contact your local union leaders to be nominated. The term of service is two years. Committees and their priorities are summarized in this document.
Please note: Due the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to take photos in-person for the 2021-23 committee term. The photos shown here are from the previous term and we are working on updating the rest. Thank you!
Adult Education Committee
Advances the interests of adult education and tracks issues and activities relating to adult education.
Career Technical Education Committee
Monitors issues and activities relating to Career Technical Education and advocates for CTE programs and their students.
Civil, Human, and Women’s Rights Committee
Works to ensure the civil and human rights of members and students, regardless of color, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or political affiliation.
Early Childhood Education Committee
Identifies and monitors significant educational issues affecting preK-12 schools and educators in California.
Educational Technology Committee
Monitors the emergence of educational technology in order to formulate appropriate CFT policy and guidelines.
English Language Learners Committee
Advances the interests of faculty teaching English language learners and their students.
Ethnic Diversity in Leadership Committee
Develops strategies that CFT and locals can utilize to encourage and train an ethnically diverse leadership within our organizations.
Higher Education Issues Committee
Identifies and monitors significant issues affecting higher education in California.
Labor and Climate Justice Education Committee
Devises strategies that CFT locals and union members can use to make the study of the labor movement a part of the curricula of California schools and colleges.
Part-Time Faculty Committee
Advances the interests of contingent faculty in higher education, public and private.
PreK-12 Education Issues Committee
Identifies and monitors significant educational issues affecting preK-12 schools and educators in California.
Retirement Policy Committee
Monitors the activities of the CalSTRS and CalPERS and advocates for retirement security for all members.
Safe and Supportive Schools Committee
Monitors policies and developments that relate to school safety and the development of supportive environments on campus.
Special Education Services Committee
Keeps the Federation and its members informed regarding special education trends and programs that affect school employees and students.