Your Workplace Rights
Your Right to Form a Union
To organize a union, bargain collectively your employer, and have a greater voice at work
Unions Work!
If you don’t have a union, you already know the boss can do whatever he or she wants. You really don’t know from one day to the next what could happen to your pay, your job, or even your workplace.
Union Representation
You have a strong union to call on in the workplace
As a member of an AFT/CFT local union, you have a reliable union to call on when you’re having trouble in the workplace and good collective bargaining contracts backed up by strong union representation.
Your Weingarten Rights
Your right to union representation during investigatory meetings
In 1975, the U.S. Supreme Court held that employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement have a right to be represented during investigatory meetings or interviews with a supervisor.
Education Code
Governing California public schools and community colleges
The Education Code is the law that governs public schools and community colleges in California. Know how to access it.
Layoffs — Know Your Rights
FAQ for classified employees and K-12 certificated employees
Though the CFT works in collaboration with the Education Coalition fight to ensure public schools and colleges have enough funding, some members may still face the possibility of layoffs. CFT has prepared these answers to common questions.
Health and Safety at Work
Hazardous conditions, wildfires, air quality, heat, pesticide drift
There are many regulations to ensure you the right to a safe workplace. Here is a brief recap of California laws and what to do if you have a workplace safety complaint.
A Discrimination-Free Workplace
Prohibiting discrimination for disability and gender
From equal pay to disability, learn about these laws that provide you protection against discrimination on the job.
Disability Benefits
Illness and family leaves for California education workers
There are numerous leaves available to education workers. From illness leave, family leave, to maternity and parental leave, learn the basics here.
Unemployment Benefits
State unemployment insurance and CFT's guide to benefits
The California Unemployment Insurance program pays benefits to workers who have lost their job and meet the program’s eligibility requirements. If you have become unemployed, you may file an unemployment claim.
Workers’ Compensation
Know your rights about work-related injuries
Workers’ Compensation benefits are designed to provide you with the medical treatment you need to recover from your work-related injury or illness, partially replace the wages you lose while you are recovering, and help you return to work.
Your Workplace Rights During COVID
Learn your legal rights during the pandemic in this quick guide to California benefits. AFT has also prepared bulletins for educators and staff — preK-12 through higher education. Find complete information in our Pandemic Toolkit.