Action Center
Historic Victory! President Biden signs the Social Security Fairness Act
January 6, 2025 update: On Sunday January 5, President Joe Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act! Check back soon for an FAQ as more information on implementation becomes available.
Take Action! Time for the U.S. Senate to repeal the WEP/GPO
Send a letter and make two calls today
Update: On Friday, December 20 the US Senate voted to pass the Social Security Fairness Act, sending it to President Biden’s desk for signature.
On Tuesday, November 12 the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82) by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 327-75. Thanks to the nearly 2,500 CFT members who sent a letter to their congressional reps in less than 24 hours urging their YES vote. Your work made a critical difference!
Five critical bills on the Governor’s desk
Please urge Governor Newsom to sign them
***September 30, 2024 Update – Governor Newsom has signed AB 2245 and vetoed AB 2088, AB 2277, AB 2586, and SB 1182**
Five critical pieces of legislation are on the Governor’s desk. Please take a moment to sign the letters below, urging him to sign these important bills.
Urge governor to increase workload cap for part-time faculty
Ask Governor Newsom to sign CFT-sponsored bill to raise the cap to 85%!
UPDATE: We are disappointed to report Governor Newsom vetoed AB 1856 on September 25, citing cost concerns. Find his veto message here. This action is now closed.
Please take a moment to urge Governor Newsom to sign AB 1856, which will increase the workload cap available to part-time faculty from 67% up to 85% of a full-time faculty workload in California’s community colleges.
Sign now to repeal WEP and GPO!
Stop penalizing teachers and public employees
Everyone deserves a secure retirement, especially those who devoted their career to public service. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) threatens that by substantially reducing or eliminating the earned Social Security benefits of the millions of retired teachers and public employees who contributed to Social Security through other employment.
Sign up to testify at budget hearings in the state Legislature
Tell your story!
Update: Thanks to all the members who testified. You made a difference! Watch for more hearings as the budget continues to move through the state Legislature.
The California Legislature will be holding state budget hearings to discuss the future of healthcare funding for part-time faculty. The next hearings are scheduled for March 14 and 16.
Workers can’t wait, #PaidSickDaysNOW
Sign the petition!
By Art Pulaski, Executive Secretary Treasurer, California Labor Federation
Since the beginning of this pandemic, workers have borne the brunt of this crisis. They’ve been on the frontlines for nearly two years, every day, to keep our economy afloat. Now, with the omicron surge leading to record cases, frontline workers are more at risk than ever. And many are assuming this risk with few protections.
Urge Governor Newsom to fund healthcare for part-time community college faculty
UPDATE: Our petition worked! Governor Newsom has included $200 million for part-time community college faculty in his January state budget proposal. See our news story.
Thanks to everyone who sent a letter to the governor! Check back soon for next steps in our campaign.
Show solidarity with UC-AFT! Join the ULP strike Wednesday and Thursday
Update: The strike is called off after an agreement was reached in the early morning hours of November 17. See the news story.
Late Saturday night, the lecturers of the University Council-AFT announced that they have notified UC management that lecturers will take part in an unfair labor practice strike on November 17 and 18. This strike is about a pattern of bad faith bargaining and unfair labor practices committed by President Michael Drake’s administration.
Urge governor to match classified layoff calendar to certificated
Send a letter in support of AB 438 now!
Please take a moment to write to Governor Newsom and urge him to sign Assembly Bill 438, which would match the classified school employee layoff calendar to the layoff calendar for teachers.
Urge governor to increase workload cap for part-time faculty
Send a letter in support of AB 375 now!
Please take a moment to urge Governor Newsom to sign AB 375, which would formally increase the workload cap available to part-time faculty from 67% up to 85% of a full-time faculty workload in California’s community colleges.
Ask the governor to protect bargaining rights for UC teaching faculty
Send a letter in support of AB 1550 now!
AB 1550, authored by Assemblymember Luz Rivas, has successfully made it through the California Legislature and to Governor Newsom’s desk. The governor has until October 10 to sign it into law.
Take action now to extend emergency COVID sick leave in California
On September 30, California’s emergency supplemental COVID sick leave will expire if our elected officials in Sacramento don’t act. Without an extension, many California workers will be in danger of losing their job if they are unfortunate enough to get infected with COVID. School workers without sufficient sick leave will also be at risk of losing pay should they become infected with COVID.
Join the “No on Recall” phone banks
Please join us! Members are welcome to join the California Labor Federation in calling union members across the state and urging them to vote “No” on the recall. Use the link below to sign up directly with the Labor Fed.
Join CFT nights at the California Labor Federation phone banks
No on the recall — help get out our union message !
The CFT has adopted two nights at the California Labor Fed statewide “No on the Recall” phone banks.
Please join us! Members are welcome to join the Labor Fed in calling union members across the state and urging them to vote “No” on the recall. Use the links below to sign up and indicate which night you want to join us.
Support the California Tax on Extreme Wealth!
Since the beginning of the pandemic last March, while our families and our communities have suffered gut-wrenching pain and loss, billionaires in our state alone have increased their wealth by over half a trillion dollars.