Update: On Friday, December 20 the US Senate voted to pass the Social Security Fairness Act, sending it to President Biden’s desk for signature.

On Tuesday, November 12 the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82) by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 327-75. Thanks to the nearly 2,500 CFT members who sent a letter to their congressional reps in less than 24 hours urging their YES vote. Your work made a critical difference!

But we’ve got more work to do. The Social Security Fairness Act now moves to the U.S. Senate.

Please take a moment to send this letter to California Senators Adam Schiff and Alex Padilla, urging them to demand Senate leadership bring HR 82 to a vote ASAP and asking that they follow through on their commitment to VOTE YES when it reaches the Senate floor.

Please also take a moment to leave a message for our U.S. Senators at the numbers pasted below. Thanks again for your action on this critical issue!

Call our California Senators

Alex Padilla: (202) 224-3553
Adam Schiff: (202) 224-3841

Sample message:

Hi Senator ________________. May name is __________________ and I am from __________________, California. I (work/teach) at _______________ (school/college) in ___________.

Thank you for your ongoing support for the Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82). I urge you to help convince Senate leadership to bring the bill to a vote ASAP and that you follow through on your commitment to VOTE YES when it reaches the Senate floor.

WEP/GPO penalties substantially reduce or eliminate the EARNED Social Security benefits of millions of teachers and public employees who contributed to Social Security through other employment.

We work hard every day for our students and our communities, and we should not be punished for this commitment. I urge you to do right by educators and public employees like me and vote YES ON H.R. 82.

Thank you.