Our new website has been up and running for a few months now. Whether you are seeking quick information, or just perusing, we were determined to make your experience easier.  After surveying members and leaders, we worked with web strategists and content specialists to build a modern, clean website with improved functionality.  

  • The site is mobile-friendly for when you are on the go and need information quickly or want to take fast action.
  • Streamlined navigation, robust search, and a clean modern look guide you more easily through the site. 
  • An easy-to-navigate calendar provides you quick overviews, maps and contacts, and allows event registration – all in one click. 
  • Our Newsroom is packed with union stories, endorsements, legislative updates – all tagged by topic, division, and content. 
  • And it’s all easily shareable on social media!

We welcome any comments and feedback about the new cft.org! Simply complete the short form below.