Spring 2019
Volume 30, Number 2


Convention delegates reaffirm support for part-time faculty participation in shared governance

While the issues of pay inequity, the lack of job security, and access to health benefits are major challenges that plague part-time faculty—collegiality, inclusion, and connection with their campuses and fellow faculty are also important for long-term involvement with a school. Read about the resolution and the debate.



Paid maternity leave: AB 500 empowers female educators, staff and their families

Pregnancy is a medical condition that requires women to take time off to deal with the pregnancy itself or recover from child birthing. This often requires far more than just the few weeks that many female adjuncts may have in accumulated sick leave. Read more…


Support less exploitation, support an 85 percent load

CFT Part-Time Faculty Committee member advocates for AB 897 and raising the part-time faculty workload maximum from 67 percent to 85 percent. Read this first-person analysis.


Student loan forgiveness: State legislation aims to help

Presently working its way through the Assembly, AB 463 seeks to make it easier for California part-time community college instructors to gain eligibility for the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. Read more…



Locals win contract gains and part-timers lose an advocate

Part-time faculty win paid office hours and some big salary increases. In Memoriam: Sam Russo from Adjunct Faculty United. Read more…



Join the Day of Action in Sacramento!

Join us in Sacramento on May 22 for the statewide #RedForEd Day of Action in support of public education. At 1 pm, community college members will march en masse to the Chancellors Office to present a vote of no confidence in the chancellor.

Learn more and register your attendance for the Day of Action!

The CFT marks its centennial on May 31

The CFT turns 100 this month! Convention delegates celebrated the centennial in March under the theme “Union Strong.” The state Legislature honored CFT today and dozens of politicians have sent centennial greetings. Share your piece of CFT history on social media using the hashtag #CFT100.

Get your own iconic #UnionStrong gear in our Anniversary Store.

Do you qualify for unemployment benefits this summer?

Even if you have received a tentative offer of employment for next semester, you are entitled to apply for unemployment benefits over the summer break immediately upon completion of your last working day of the semester. The CFT Part-Time Faculty Committee has compiled a step-by-step guide to applying for unemployment benefits.

Find the union’s Guide to Unemployment Benefits here.

Do you have a child attending college who could use financial assistance?

The CFT offers scholarships to continuing college students who are children or dependents of members in good standing. Students enrolled in four-year colleges are eligible for $3000 scholarships; those enrolled in two-year colleges are eligible for $1000. As part of our website upgrade and redesign, the CFT has just launched a modern and streamlined online application process. The deadline for continuing college students to apply for a scholarship is July 1.

Learn more about the CFT Raoul Teilhet Scholarships here.