Key Documents


Find the documents that define how the CFT works and how your local union works with the CFT.


Planning Calendar 2025
Relevant CFT and AFT dates on our monthly single-sheet Planning Calendar. Visit our online calendar to find up-to-the-minute event info.

Constitution and Bylaws
The document that defines how CFT is governed.

Code of Conduct – Implementation Guidelines
Union policy for conduct at CFT meetings, events, and activities. 

Code of Conduct – Meeting Script
To be read at CFT meetings, events, and activities.

Code of Conduct (as online text)


Conducting Local Union Officer Elections
A guide for election officials from the U.S. Department of Labor geared primarily toward officials with little or no experience in running an election.

Staff Funding Assistance Program for 2024-25 – Application Packet
Includes the application for participation in the CFT Staff Funding Program, a helpful checklist, and regulations for program implementation. 


CFT Legal Defense Fund – Policy
CFT policies about Legal Defense Fund grant eligibility and application guidelines are contained in this document.

CFT Legal Defense Fund – Preliminary Legal Report
Local unions must complete this Preliminary Legal Report before incurring legal expense in order to receive a legal defense grant.

AFT Defense Fund – Policy and Application
The AFT Defense Fund may grant funds to local unions if they have a legal proceeding before a court, arbitrator, or other administrative body that complies with AFT guidelines and policies.


Per Capita Payment

Local unions can use these Excel documents to calculate per capita payment. 

Audited Financial Statements

The CFT posts audited financial statements online each year and the most recent statements can be found below. The CFT statement for 2022 contains three years of audited financials.

Agency Fee Audits

These reports are about fair share, also called agency fee, and are helpful to financial officers of AFT local unions. There is a report from the CFT and a California report from the AFT. Each contains an agency fee audit letter and report, accompanied by a cover letter from the respective secretary treasurer.


Expense Reimbursement
Reimbursement request and guidelines for members attending committee meetings or other conferences or events on behalf of CFT.

Elected Statewide Leadership Stipend
Request and certification for leaders who are not receiving release time, load reduction, or a reasonable stipend for CFT work from their local unions.