Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2025

Special Dates

Every year we observe Martin Luther King Day to reflect on the work that still needs to be done for racial equality. We also remember the vision that Dr. King carried in seeing the connection between achieving racial equality and supporting the labor movement. Most people know Dr. King only as a civil rights leader, but we also remember him as a powerful labor leader.

In fact, Dr. King was assassinated at the sanitation strike in Memphis, Tennessee while supporting 1,300 Black men in their fight against dangerous working conditions and abuse.

The CFT continues to speak out on the racial injustice, healthcare disparity, and economic inequity that has permeated this country. And we follow in the footsteps of Dr. King by recommitting ourselves to the fight against white supremacy, right-wing extremism, and wealth inequality.

Education was integral to King’s vision for a more just society. Share his legacy in the classroom and beyond: