Committee Choice for Delegates
Convention 2025


All proposed constitutional amendments and resolutions are first reviewed by one of the convention committees. These committees are given the task of recommending whether an amendment should be adopted, whether a resolution needs modification, what action the convention should take concerning the resolution, and the order of importance for resolutions to be considered. All delegates are encouraged to participate in these important sessions to ensure a democratic convention process.

Each delegate who wishes to serve will be assigned to one convention committee. The CFT President shall appoint delegates to committees based on delegates’ expressed choices, giving weight and consideration to balance and to service on standing committees of the CFT. Members of CFT standing committees who are delegates shall be appointed to the corresponding convention committees to coordinate the work of those bodies. No more than 20 percent of committee membership may be from one local. Only assigned members of the committee may debate and vote upon resolutions before the committee.

  • The deadline to submit your choices is February 28 at 5 pm.
  • Find complete information about committee service in the Convention Call.
  • Subcommittees and Committees meet Friday, March 14, from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. except as otherwise noted.
FIRST CHOICE - Resolution Subcommittees

Please choose your first choice for service on a Resolutions subcommittee.

SECOND CHOICE - Resolution Subcommittees

Please choose your second choice for service on a resolutions subcommittee.

OPTIONAL - Convention Committees

In addition to serving on a Resolutions Subcommittee, delegates may also choose to serve on a Convention Committee. This is optional.