Classified Insider: Classified Standing Strong: Yesterday, Today, and Always.
CCE Conference 2024 Special Edition

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Couldn’t make the conference? Check out this quick overview

The theme of the 2024 Council of Classified Employees conference was Classified Standing Strong: Yesterday, Today, and Always. That sentiment ran throughout the weekend in Costa Mesa, where along with exploring their creativity, joking, and connecting with one another, attendees got to hear from union leaders and attend workshops addressing topics including the Education Code, active shooter drills, workplace safety, and dealing with difficult situations at their jobs. 

Classified professionals also discussed the fight looming in the wake of the 2024 election, with both CFT President Jeff Freitas and CCE President Carl Williams not shying away from talking about Donald Trump’s return to the White House and what that could mean for public education, as well as immigrants, LGBTQ+ people, climate change, civil rights, labor…the list goes on.

There were more than 60 first-time attendees in Costa Mesa, a good sign for the power of the union and the welcoming and open spirit of the event. We spoke to five people new to the conference, and, universally, they told us how well organized it was, what all they learned, and how much a chance to connect with their colleagues meant to them. 

Getting tangible evidence of the strength of their colleagues and their tenacity and spirit in the face of obstacles was a balm to many who were downhearted after the election. As Williams said, “Classified can do anything.” Freitas urged the attendees not to give up, saying, “Don’t let them divide us because it is together that we will stand stronger, and we will build and broaden this labor movement.”

Many people left on Sunday refreshed – excited to go back to their locals to share the information and help they’d gotten to continue to continue their fight, with the resources and power of the CFT behind them.