State Budget
Governor’s budget proposal for 2025-26 reflects improved fiscal outlook and unprecedented uncertainty
Research Brief
February 12, 2025
Governor Newsom released his initial budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year just as the historic wildfires exploded across Los Angeles and before the presidential inauguration took place. The 2025-26 proposal showed California revenues were about $16.5 billion higher than anticipated and included a small surplus of $363 million. Newsom’s plan largely follows the framework for this year that was imagined in last summer’s budget that was intended as part one of a two-year balanced budget deal.
State budget for 2023-24
Protects public education with ongoing funding; staffing crisis requires more support
State budget for 2023-24 protects public education with ongoing funding; staffing crisis requires more support:
Governor Newsom and the state Legislature came to an agreement in late June on a budget for 2023-24 that includes $225 billion in general fund expenditures while addressing a $31.7 billion deficit.
The Proposition 98 funding minimum guarantee is $108.3 billion in 2023-24, which is less than what last year’s enacted budget assumed, but slightly higher than the revised guarantee for 2022-23.
CFT-Sponsored Bills Move Through Legislature
Key legislation passed through the California Assembly in June, advancing to the State Senate for consideration later this summer.
AB 938 increases base funding under the Local Control Funding Formula by 50% to support a 50% raise in TK-12 salaries. The Assembly passed the CFT-sponsored bill by a unanimous 77-0 vote.
AB 1699 prohibits school districts from retaliating against classified staff for refusing or accepting a vacancy. The bill gives employees at least 10 days to apply for a position before the job opens to the public.