Community College Articles
Community College
News and stories of interest for full-time and part-time faculty teaching in the community colleges.
Three CFT-sponsored equity bills continued in 2012 legislative session
When locally bargained contract improvements seem impossible, statewide legislation becomes an attractive option. Over the past few years, CFT and other education unions and associations have sponsored bills to strengthen part-time faculty job security and improve working conditions. While the ultimate gains of this strategy could be tremendous, the process of passing bills can be extremely challenging.
Freeway Flyers: Local action & quick news
Coast rights injustice for part-timers working in non-instructional positions
After years of patience andpersistence, the Coast Federation of Educators secured compensation for two part-time non-instructional faculty members who were discovered to be working more hours than a full-timer — at a fraction of the pay.
When confronted with these violations, according to Local 1911 President Dean Mancina, the district claimed this group of faculty was exempt from both the California Education Code and the local’s collective bargaining agreement.