
Article Elections 2020 Prop 15

Yes on 15! Fix commercial tax system to help fund schools and colleges
Prop 15 will improve funding for public education

Over the past 40 years, disinvestment in public education has caused California to fall from one of the top states in per pupil spending to one that ranks near the bottom.

The California Schools & Local Communities Funding Act would raise up to an estimated $12 billion every year for schools and local communities by ending the unfair system that allows a fraction of the wealthiest commercial and industrial property owners to avoid paying their fair share in taxes.

Article Elections 2020 Prop 15 wildfires

Fixing commercial tax system will help communities prepare for wildfires
Prop 15 will fund local fire protection districts

As a result of our rapidly changing climate, California has experienced the deadliest, largest, and most destructive wildfires in its history. 

In the past five years, we’ve had nine of the 20 most destructive fires the state has ever had, including the Camp Fire in Butte in 2018, the Tubbs Fire in Napa and Sonoma in 2017, the Carr Fire in Shasta & Trinity in 2018, and the Thomas Fire in Santa Barbara and Ventura in 2017.

Article Elections 2020 Prop 15

Governor Newsom endorses Prop 15!
Joe Biden endorsed Schools & Communities First last fall

On September 11, Governor Newsom endorsed Prop 15, the CFT-supported ballot measure that will reclaim $12 billion annually for California schools and communities by closing corporate property tax loopholes.

“The governor’s support of Prop 15 is critical to ensure that this essential initiative passes and our schools have the resources they need so that our students receive the education they deserve,” said CFT President Jeff Freitas.

Article Elections 2020 Prop 15

Why your vote for Prop 15 is essential!
FAQ: What Prop 15 will do

Proposition 15 is a fair and balanced reform that will reclaim $12 billion to invest in schools and vital services for our local communities.

When Prop 15 passes, it will close a loophole that large corporations have used for decades to avoid paying their fair share of property taxes. The richest 10% of corporate properties will provide 92% of the new revenue.

Article environment wildfires

Unions step up to help wildfire evacuees
Wildfires threaten member homes and lives

Fires in California, many started by lightning, have burned a little more than a million acres, and scores of people have lost homes and thousands more have been forced to evacuate, including CFT members. The fires, some of the largest in the state’s history are burning in areas including Lake, Napa, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, Solano, Sonoma, and Yolo counties.


State Dept. of Health issues reopening guidelines for higher education
Includes areas of note for community colleges

The California Department of Health released its reopening guidelines for higher education on August 7.

While most of the guidance is geared to four-year colleges and universities, there are also some significant areas of note for the community colleges, which are summarized here.

Article Elections 2020

AFT Convention delegates endorse Joe Biden for president

The nearly 4,000 delegates at the AFT Virtual Convention endorsed Joe Biden for president in the general election, with 90 percent voting in favor.  

The decision by the AFT follows the most inclusive and extensive presidential endorsement process in the union’s history, conducted over many months and involving more than 300,000 AFT members, that ultimately led the AFT Executive Council to submit the endorsement. 

Article coronavirus distance learning

State Dept. of Public Health updates school reopening guidelines
CFT wants to see stronger guidelines

During his July 17 noon press conference, Governor Newsom announced statewide guidelines for reopening K-12 schools this fall.

While the governor addressed some of the demands that the union articulated to him and state leaders in the CFT letter sent on Monday, CFT still believes that there is more to be done to ensure the safety of California’s teachers, school staff, students, and communities.

Article Elections 2020 Prop 15

Schools & Communities First placed on ballot as Prop 15
Yes on Proposition 15 this November!

On July 1,  California Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced the 12 measures that have qualified for the November election, along with their ballot numbers. Schools and Communities First, the CFT’s top statewide priority in November, will appear as Proposition 15. 

Article distance learning

CFT urges Governor Newsom to delay physically reopening schools
Surging coronavirus cases, testing woes make opening safely all but impossible

The CFT has asked Governor Newsom and state legislative leaders to delay the physical reopening of schools. Despite coronavirus cases surging throughout the state, growing numbers of hospitalizations and deaths, and mounting testing woes, some school districts are rushing to reopen — putting students, teachers, and communities at risk.

In a letter to state leaders, the CFT also urged the governor to provide stronger leadership and direction to school communities, who have been left on their own to make the difficult decision on whether it is safe to reopen schools.