
Article Obituaries In Memoriam
 Miles Myers, 1931–2015

Miles Myers, 1931–2015

Teacher, union activist, author, and former CFT President Miles Myers died December 15, 2015, from complications related to heart disease. Over six decades, Miles devoted his career to improving educational standards and the conditions for teaching and learning in public education.

California Teacher Vergara union fair share

The lawsuits that educators and unions must defeat

Special Report by Joshua Pechthalt, CFT President

Education unions and public sector unions are facing legal attacks designed to destroy our ability to represent our members. Not surprisingly, these cases are supported by the usual anti-union law firms and wealthy backers. What follows is a snapshot of the cases CFT and other unions are now fighting.

California Teacher Building Power Up Front

The path forward runs through the streets of our towns, cities, and the nation’s capital

By Joshua Pechthalt, CFT President

It’s time for the labor movement to remember what energized our ranks and inspired American workers to join unions. As we face a continued decline in membership and legal challenges that threaten to erode the strength of public sector unions and the movement as a whole, now more than ever, we need to take our message to the streets.

Article accreditation ACCJC

Community College Board of Governors to send message to U.S. Department of Education
"California needs a new accreditor"

September 22, 2015—Yesterday the California Community College Board of Governors (BOG) directed state Community Chancellor Brice Harris to send his Accreditation Task Force’s Report, issued two weeks ago, to the United States Department of Education (USDOE).

The report, citing a multitude of failures by the current California community college accreditor, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, recommends that California replace the ACCJC with a new agency.

Article accreditation ACCJC

New community college accreditor needed now

By Joshua Pechthalt, CFT President

State Community College Chancellor Brice Harris has released his long-awaited Accreditation Task Force report, and the news is not good for the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges.

The report, however, is good news for California, because it puts accreditation — the process of monitoring and reporting that provides assurance to students and taxpayers that a college offers a quality education — on a path toward renewal.

California Teacher Rank & Files

RANK & FILES, Sep-Oct 2015

Mark James Miller, English instructor and president of the Part-Time Faculty Association of Allan Hancock College, Local 6185, published a novel about seeking truth and finding redemption. In Red Tide two surfing buddies venture into an abandoned power plant one fateful night. Instead of finding adventure, they find murder. Order the novel online.

California Teacher Local Action

Local Wire, Sep-Oct 2015

Magic can’t pay the rent…
With the average price of a house over one million dollars, San Francisco is the most expensive real estate market in the nation.

Article accreditation ACCJC

Chancellor’s task force calls for new accreditor

August 28, 2015—Today the Community College Chancellor released his long awaited Accreditation Task Force Report, and the news was not good for the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. Bottom line: The task force, a blue ribbon group representing faculty, administrators, elected officials and other stakeholders, is recommending that the ACCJC be replaced by another accrediting agency. 


Activists work hard in week-long Union Summer School

The CFT’s annual Union Summer School kicked off on Monday, June 22, with rank-and-file members from CFT locals across the state in residence at Cal Poly Pomona’s Kellogg Conference Center.

A half dozen week-long classes kept the union activists busily engaged with nuts and bolts union skill-building led by CFT staff and leadership. The majority were first-time attendees at the popular training.