

New Know Your Rights booklet available!

The Council of Classified Employees has produced a valuable new booklet. Know Your Rights: A guide to workplace laws for classified employees and paraprofessionals in California is a comprehensive analysis of the California Education Code as it relates to support staff in California public schools and colleges.

The booklet includes topics such as:

California Teacher international privatization

A Tale of Hope and Caution: How three Latin American nations are defending public education

By Joshua Pechthalt, CFT President

As part of AFT’s ongoing effort to build alliances with educators and trade unionists around the world, President Randi Weingarten led an AFT delegation in May to meet education union leaders and other unionists in Brazil, Argentina and Chile. I joined them as we looked at their multi-year effort to defend and expand public education, and to develop a response to attacks.

California Teacher student assessment Common Core Standards

A year of transition: Preparing for the Common Core standards
New law temporarily suspends most testing, gives educators and districts time to prepare

Tanya Golden is looking forward to changing how she teaches. “Before, my curriculum was an inch deep and a mile wide with too many things to cover. I had to keep moving even when my students weren’t ready. Now I can teach more for understanding,” says the sixth grade teacher in her tenth year at ABC Unified School District, southeast of Los Angeles.

Article accreditation ACCJC

AFT passes resolution in support of keeping CCSF open and thriving

The American Federation of Teachers has reaffirmed its support for the faculty of City College of San Francisco, represented by AFT Local 2121, and the entire CCSF community in their effort to restore accreditation. The resolution was adopted at the July 20 AFT Executive Council meeting.

The AFT recognizes the important educational role CCSF has played in the Bay Area and decries the irresponsible actions of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) in revoking City College’s accreditation.

Article Local Action

ISSU-CFT and Pasadena City College reach tentative agreement
Instructional support staff employees ratify unanimously

On Thursday, June 20, the members of the Instructional Support Services Unit-CFT (ISSU-CFT) met to review and vote on a tentative agreement recommended by union President Julio Huerta and the executive board.

ISSU-CFT includes most of the nearly 225 professional and office staff at Pasadena City College. The independent ISSU unit voted to affiliate with the AFT last year as AFT Local 6525.

Article Obituaries In Memoriam
 Raoul Teilhet, 1933–2013

Raoul Teilhet, 1933–2013

Raoul Teilhet, a Pasadena high school history teacher who believed collective bargaining offered the path to dignity and respect for public school employees before laws existed allowing it, and served as president of the California Federation of Teachers in successful pursuit of that goal, died of complications from Parkinson’s Disease on June 5, 2013, in Los Angeles. He was 79.


Our work contributes to quality of education

By Paula A. Phillips, President, Council of Classified Employees

Every CFT member can play a role in the CFT’s campaign for quality public education, which will identify problems that are holding back our schools and colleges and set goals to move California forward.

A quality public education starts with adequate funding to maintain staffing levels and professional development. That’s a tall order in times of budget cuts, but with the passage of Prop. 30, fair funding will be within reach if Sacramento shows some political courage.