Develop a strategic plan to end the two-tier system in the community colleges
March 19, 2022


Whereas, it is widely agreed that the California Community College system’s over-reliance on contingent faculty is one of the greatest problems in higher education today; and

Whereas, over 40 years of resolutions, advocacy, legislative lobbying, and other efforts have failed to make significant changes to this two-tier system; and

Whereas, there are existing models of a working one-tier system in higher education, such as those used in British Columbia; and

Whereas, the CFT Policy and Positions Handbook, Section 4.2.7, states that CFT supports “the ending of the two-tiered wage system”;

Therefore, be it resolved, that CFT shall create, no later than January 1, 2023, a strategic planning task force, with members appointed by the president, to develop a strategic plan for transitioning to a one-tier system; and

Be it finally resolved, that this task force shall deliver its report for approval by the Executive Council and/or State Council no later than January 1, 2024.