Resolutions and Policy


Policies, Positions and Resolutions

The CFT passes resolutions on a wide range of issues that affect members in our different membership constituencies and that address other state, national and international issues of importance to the union and to our vision for California and beyond. Many resolutions are passed at the union’s biennial Convention, but the State Council and Executive Council also adopt resolutions.

  • You may search CFT resolutions below, by keywords or year, or both. Hit Apply to search using your criteria. 

CFT Task Force on Artificial Intelligence in Educational Settings

Submitted by the CFT Educational Technology Committee

Whereas, the rapid advancement and integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies
into various sectors of education pose significant implications for pedagogical methods,
student learning, and the educational infrastructure at large; and
Whereas, the CFT a Union of Educators and Classified Professionals is committed to
upholding the highest standards of education, ensuring that all students and staff and


CFT Stands Against APEC and Endorses Participation in the Upcoming SF Protests

Whereas Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a multilateral non- governmental forum for trade negotiations among 21 member economies in the Asia Pacific Region, including the United States, Mexico, the Philippines and China, which like NAFTA resulted in the outsourcing of millions of jobs and undermining labor and environmental standards globally; and


Pride Resolution

WHEREAS, over 500 specifically anti-trans bills have been introduced across the country. While many have failed, the rigorous and consistent attack on the trans community is a growing threat and reinforces every homophobic, anti-transgender, backward, and bigoted impulse in our society; and 


Support CalSTRS and CalPERS Using Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Criteria in Making Investment Decisions
March 19, 2023

Whereas, institutional investors, because of the size of their portfolios, can influence the behavior of firms in how they deal with their impact on the environment (E), how they treat their workforce (S), and how the governance structure of the firm (G) affects the decision making of the firm; and 

Whereas, the CFT for several decades has been pushing CalSTRS and CalPERS to incorporate ESG impacts when making their investment decisions; and


Opposition to the trading of California’s Water Supply on Wall Street
March 19, 2023

Whereas, in 2020 Wall Street began trading water futures, specifically in California, as a commodity.  The country’s first water market launched on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on December 7, 2020, with $1.1 billion in contracts tied to water prices in California, according to Bloomberg News; and

Whereas, the United States is the second biggest consumer of water in the world, with California accounting for 9% of the nation’s daily consumption. The size of California’s water market is four times larger than any other state; and


Greening the CFT
March 19, 2023

Whereas, the day-to-day actions of the CFT do not always align with the rhetoric of the resolutions; 

Therefore, be it resolved, that the CFT commit to taking practical actions to make the organization greener and to reduce the environmental footprint created by large gatherings, such as committee meetings and conventions; and

Be it further resolved, that the organization eliminate the use of all single-use plastics at large CFT gatherings; and


Urgent Climate Action
March 19, 2023

Whereas, the climate crisis has already manifested into dangerous, chaotic, and widespread destabilization of natural systems, affecting the lives of billions of people around the world despite global efforts to minimize the risks; and


CFT Condemns Police Violence and Calls for Reform
March 19, 2023

Whereas, we are outraged and sickened by the relentless acts of violence, brutality, and murder by police; and

Whereas, no one should be murdered at the hands of the officers sworn to protect and serve our communities; and

Whereas, fatal police shootings of unarmed Black people in the U.S. are more than three times as high as of white people; and


CFT Demands Stronger Gun Control for the Safety of All
March 19, 2023

Whereas, the U.S. confronts an epidemic of violence that no other nation experiences, resulting from and exacerbated by weak gun control laws; and

Whereas, the murder of children and teachers in U.S. schools by guns is a daily threat to every parent, child, educator, educational professional, and school community; and

Whereas, individuals armed with guns killed more than 3,000 people in the U.S. just during the month of January 2023 alone; and


Increasing CFT’s Funding Commitment for Organizing
March 19, 2023

Whereas, the ultimate source of a labor union’s power comes from the capacity of its members to engage in collective action, up to and including withholding their labor; and

Whereas, popular support for labor unions in 2023 in the U.S. is at its highest point since 1965, indicating a favorable climate for organizing new labor unions; and


Ease the Separation from Service Requirement for Retired Educators and Classified Professionals
March 19, 2023

Whereas, the largest impediment to retired California educational professionals returning to the classroom is the 180-day separation-from-service requirement; and

Whereas, while there is a process in place to allow a district to waive the 180-day rule to allow a recent retiree to return as a substitute teacher or part-time instructor, that waiver process is difficult; and

Whereas, Governor Newsom issued an executive order to ease and streamline the waiver process during the COVID-19 public health emergency; and


Stop the Privatization of Traditional Medicare – Abolish ACO REACH
March 19, 2023

Whereas, for 57 years Medicare has been by a vital part of the social safety net of this country, providing government paid healthcare for millions of seniors and people with disabilities who might otherwise be reduced to poverty by medical bills; and

Whereas, unlike private insurers, Medicare allows patients to see any doctor they want and is able to keep its administrative costs to a minimum by paying providers directly; and


Enhancing Retirement Education and Sick Leave Advocacy for Part-time Faculty
March 19, 2023

Whereas, temporary or part-time community college faculty have historically faced more challenges to a stable retirement and benefits due to inequities in salary as well as re-assignment rights; and

Whereas, California PreK-14 school districts are required to offer the CalSTRS Defined Benefit (DB) pension as an option for all educators, including part-time community college faculty; and


Classified School Employees Rally at the Capitol 2024
March 19, 2023

Whereas, California Senate Bill 1552 (Campbell, 1986) established Classified School Employee Week in order to recognize the vital contributions of classified employees; and

Whereas, Classified School Employee Week is celebrated in the third full week of May each year from Sunday to Saturday; and

Whereas, classified school employees represent workers from early childhood through higher education in public and private education; and


Advocating for mental health services for all educators
March 19, 2023

Whereas, the new RAND survey reported teachers and classified staff are experiencing job-related stress at a rate about twice that of the general population of working adults; and 

Whereas, the recent RAND report found that well-being is especially poor among Latinx teachers, mid-career teachers, and female teachers; and 

Whereas, poor mental and health well-being and adverse working conditions were linked with educators’ intentions to leave their jobs; and


Arts Education
March 19, 2023

Whereas, the California Education Code sections 51210 and 51220 provide that California schools must provide a course of study for students in grades 1 through 12 with courses or instruction in visual and performing arts, including dance, music, theater, and visual arts, aimed at the development of aesthetic appreciation and the skills of creative expression; and


Supporting Health Education Equity in the Implementation 
of AB 928 (Berman, 2021)
March 19, 2023

Whereas, AB 928 (Berman, 2021) seeks to streamline transfers for community college students through the creation of one primary transfer pattern, the California General Education Transfer Curriculum (CalGETC); and 

Whereas, California community colleges (CCCs) serve a specific and important role in the California Educational Master Plan, serving millions of students throughout California as the most accessible institutions of higher learning; and 


School Administrator Communication and Responsibility Regarding Student Behavioral Intervention
March 19, 2023

Whereas, in 2013, the California Legislature passed AB 420, which prohibited pupil willful-defiance suspensions statewide for grades K-3 until July 2018, and furthermore the ban on K-3 suspensions was made permanent in a 2018-19 budget trailer bill; and 

Whereas, in 2019, SB 419 extended the existing ban on pupil willful-defiance suspensions to grades 4 and 5 statewide, with the prohibition on such suspensions for grades 6 through 8 sunsetting in June 2025; and