Action Center


Tell Congress: Don’t let students go hungry

Write Congress today to save SNAP!

Congress is now debating a bill that would restrict SNAP benefits or even cut off assistance to working families. Currently, there is a three-month time limit that cuts off food assistance to any adult in need who doesn’t have children and can’t find a reliable 20-hour-a-week job. The bill will expand this time limit to all adults ages 18-59 who are not disabled, pregnant or caring for a child under the age of 6, and it will require at least 20 hours of work or in a training program.


Helping those impacted by the California fires

With fires raging throughout California once again, CFT is actively in contact with members in the impacted areas, working to ensure that they remain safe. So far we know that one CFT member has lost their home and that hundreds more have been evacuated.

If any CFT members you know have been impacted by the fire, please have them contact our Berkeley office ASAP at 510-523-5238, to help arrange for assistance.

Article part-time faculty Calbright

Oppose creation of unnecessary, fully online college

All of California’s 114 community colleges offer online courses, so why do we need a fully online 115th college, especially a non-union one which would hire adjuncts to work for even lower wages, without union protections?

The $120 million the governor is budgeting for this college could be better spent on increasing full-time positions, part-time pay equity, and more paid part-time office hours.


Sign the pledge: National Day of Action Against Gun Violence on April 20

Sign the national pledge!

Inspired by the courageous young survivors in Parkland, Florida and across the nation, students, parents, educators and community advocates will join together on April 20, 2018, for the National Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Schools. Together we must take up the students’ call, “Books not Guns.”

On April 20 we will mark the 19th anniversary of the Columbine massacre by standing together to demand that our elected leaders take meaningful action to stop the violence that is tearing apart our schools and our communities.

Article part-time faculty paid office hours

Join CFT campaign for office hours pay, full-time positions

How can we get more state funding for office hours, equal pay for equal work, and new full-time positions that that will benefit existing part-time faculty? CFT is calling on part-timers and their allies to urge the governor to include line items in the state budget dedicated to these essential improvements. 

Advocate for our interests in providing equal education opportunities for students by writing directly to Gov. Brown and others who influence the state budget. Ask the governor and the Department of Finance for these new resources: