PT Campaign
Join Our Part-Time Faculty Campaign!
For too long, too many part-time faculty in California’s community college system have gone without healthcare benefits. The CFT has launched a statewide campaign to secure health insurance coverage for all part-time faculty in the community colleges. Part-time faculty are essential to our students’ success, and like all workers they deserve access to quality, affordable healthcare. Join our campaign and join part-time faculty around the state. Together, we can do this!
Lives Transformed by CFT’s Part-time Healthcare Campaign
To date, 14 CFT locals have secured AB 190 Option 1 programs (Full-time faculty equivalent healthcare for Part-time faculty working over 40% of a full-time load).
These CFT local union part-time successes have both saved and changed lives for the better.
CFT Pushes Forward on a Vision of a One-Tier/Unified Faculty Model
CFT’s One-Tier Task force and CFT members, after over eight months of discussion, has created a definitive list of basic components deemed essential for what a one-faculty model should look like in the California community college system.
The work is the result of a team of core community college union leaders and activists, composed equally of both part and full-time members.
FAQ: Healthcare & collective bargaining
Demystifying the state healthcare program and steps needed to secure improved healthcare for part-time faculty members
Local bargaining for healthcare ramps up
Phase 2 of Part-Time Faculty Campaign kicks off with regional meetings, negotiations training, Campus Equity Week
Campus Equity Week October 24-28
An opportunity to publicize the need for part-time faculty healthcare. Our toolkit has it all… facts, positions, social media campaign, signs.
Trailer bill secures program language
Governor signs higher ed trailer bill with programmatic changes to further incentivize districts to provide quality, affordable healthcare coverage to eligible part-time faculty.
Governor vetoes increased cap
Citing cost, the governor vetoed CFT-sponsored AB 1856, which would have increased the workload cap available to part-time faculty from 67% up to 85% of a full-time faculty workload.
Faculty power up at PT Conference
Members were engaged as the CFT Part-Time Faculty Conference opened to cheers with its theme of “Equity for Contingent Faculty.” See photo gallery.
Lobby Day: One-on-one with legislators
During the Lobby Day component of our Part-Time Faculty Conference, members brought their stories directly to state legislators. See photo gallery.
Survey results call out healthcare crisis
Groundbreaking results show that despite making up nearly 70% of faculty ranks in the community colleges, only a fraction of part-time faculty receive health insurance benefits.
Follow campaign in the CFT Newsroom
Track member action, events, and legislative news in our campaign to secure quality healthcare for part-time faculty.
What does losing healthcare look like? Part 1
The pandemic and declining enrollment have led to loss of health benefits. Part-time faculty around the state tell their stories.
What does losing healthcare look like? Part 2
The pandemic and declining enrollment have led to loss of health benefits. Part-time faculty around the state tell their stories.