Nominations & Elections
Jeff Freitas reelected CFT President, Luukia Smith Secretary Treasurer
Results of the CFT officer elections were announced on May 1 after mail ballots were tabulated. The biennial election was held by mail due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a Virtual Convention. All newly elected leaders will take office on May 26, 2021.
Election Rules for Statewide Officer Elections
Adopted by Executive Council on January 28, 2021.
A. The following will be elected at the 2021 CFT Convention:
- President
- Secretary Treasurer
- 24 CFT Vice Presidents
- CFT Delegates to AFT Convention
- CFT Delegates to the California Labor Federation Convention
B. Presiding Over Elections
- The Nomination and Elections Committee shall have plenary powers to run the election in conjunction with a third-party company that has been retained to conduct the balloting by mail. The committee is authorized to resolve any disputes that may arise, during or out of the election, subject only to the provisions of Article I, Section 12 of the CFT By-Laws as modified by the CFT Executive Council for purposes of conducting a virtual convention, which specify the procedures for nomination and election.
- A chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall preside over the Convention during the time of speeches.
- Questions or concerns regarding the conduct of the election should be directed to the chair of the Nomination and Elections Committee.
C. Observers
- Each candidate or slate shall appoint their own observer who shall be provided by the third-party company retained to conduct the election, BallotPoint Election Services, with access to view online the counting of the ballots.
- There may be one observer per independent candidate or two per slate.
- Observers may take notes and ask appropriate questions to the extent provided by the online video technology supplied by BallotPoint.
- The candidate or slate shall notify the chair of the Nomination and Elections Committee of the names of the observers by the close of the last business session of the Convention. The chair of the Nomination and Elections Committee, in conjunction with BallotPoint Election Services, will communicate with the observers the procedures for observing the mailing, collection, and counting of the ballots.
- An observer must be a member of the CFT.
D. Nominations Procedure
- Nominations of CFT officers and delegates to the AFT Convention and the California Labor Federation Convention shall be by a submission of an “Declaration of Candidacy” form to the committee chair via online portal on the CFT website not later than 6:00 p.m. Friday, March 26, 2021. Forms will be available on the CFT website or by emailing
- The names of all announced candidates shall be read to the Convention at the second Business Session on Saturday, March 27, 2021. At this time, an opportunity shall be given for any person nominated to decline.
- Each candidate for President may have ten minutes for their campaign speech.
- Each candidate for Secretary-Treasurer may have five minutes for their campaign speech.
- All other candidates may have two minutes for a campaign speech. The candidates shall be recognized in alphabetical order. Any candidate may designate an alternate speaker.
E. Slates
- Two or more candidates for office may organize themselves into a slate for the election.
- Candidates for office may organize themselves into a slate and they shall designate the name of their slate. Slate names shall not imply endorsement by the union and will be authorized on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Delegates have a choice of voting for a slate or voting for individuals, but may not vote for a slate and then individuals. If a delegate checks a slate box and then individually votes for candidates within that same slate, the ballot will be treated as an individual-candidate ballot. If a delegate checks a slate box and then votes for all of the candidates from that slate, the ballot would be considered a slate vote. If a delegate selects a slate box and then votes for officers from another slate or an independent, the ballot will be set aside.
- Every candidate and every slate shall make themselves known to the chair of the Nomination and Elections Committee by email at no later than 6:00 pm on Saturday, March 27, 2021, so that proper information can be provided for the printing of ballots.
A. Unanimous Consent
If there are only as many nominations as there are positions, elections may be by unanimous consent, and the voting procedure outlined in section B below will not take place.
B. Contested Elections
A contested election shall be conducted by mail vote in accordance with the following procedure:
- In order to vote, a delegate must be seated by the Credentials Committee no later than 12:00 noon, Saturday, March 27, 2021.
- Each delegation’s voting strength shall be checked and verified by the Nominations and Elections Committee.
- Ballots containing the delegate’s full name, local name and number, and average membership will be sent to each registered delegate, who has checked in to the Convention, via first-class U.S. mail by BallotPoint Election Services as soon as practicable following the close of business of the Convention. The mailing package will state clearly on the outside that it contains a ballot to vote for CFT officers, Executive Council members and delegates to the AFT and California Labor Federation AFL-CIO Conventions. The package will contain a postage-prepaid mailing envelope to return the ballot. Under the direction of the chair of Nominations and Elections Committee, BallotPoint Election Services shall establish and make known to the delegates the procedure for requesting a duplicate ballot in the event a delegate does not receive their ballot. The last day on which requests for duplicate ballots will be processed will be seven days before the count.
- Under the direction of the chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee, BallotPoint Election Services shall regularly check the post office box established to receive undeliverable ballots and upon receipt of such ballots, work with the chair or their designee to seek better addresses for the delegates to send them their ballots.
- Every ballot shall be signed by the delegate voting that ballot. No ballot shall be counted that is not signed.
- The ballot instructions will explain the voting procedure. When a delegate wishes to vote for a slate, that delegate shall mark or fill in the box identifying the slate. Delegates must choose between voting by slate or individually. When the vote is by slate, the delegate is limited to voting for that slate only and may not combine slate voting with individual candidate voting. When a delegate wishes to vote for an individual, that delegate shall mark the box by the candidate’s name. The delegate who votes individually may vote for some or all of the vacant positions.
- Return ballots must be received at the post office box secured by BallotPoint Election Services before April 30, 2021.
- Upon receipt of the ballots from the post office box by BallotPoint Election Services, ballots will be transported to its premises to start the process for tabulation. The Nominations and Elections Committee will be provided with electronic access to each ballot where there are issues regarding the intent of the voter or compliance with the voting procedures. The designated observers may ask to observe ballots and will be provided online access to view these ballots.
- The tabulation of votes will begin at a time to be determined on Friday, April 30, 2021, at the offices of BallotPoint Election Services.
- Should no candidate for CFT President or CFT Secretary Treasurer receive a majority of ballots cast, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall compete in a run-off election, a run-off election which will follow the same procedures extending out another calendar month.
- The results of a contested election will be announced on May 1, 2021.
C. Results of Election
The candidates for President and Secretary Treasurer receiving a majority of votes shall be elected. Candidates for Vice President who receive the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected.
D. Independent Certification
The results and ballots shall be certified as accurate and retained by the independent body.
Campaign Rules for Statewide Officer Elections
Adopted by Executive Council on January 28, 2021.
The purpose of this campaign rules document is to outline the rules that shall govern election campaigning. The rules are meant to ensure fairness, keep order, and preserve the integrity of the election. In general, candidates should try to maintain “the spirit of the campaign” which is an atmosphere of friendly competition with others and respect for the election process. A copy of this document shall be distributed to all candidates.
No local, state or national union affiliate or CFT member employer funds and/or resources of any type or any form of support from vendors, politicians, or outside organizations and persons who stand to benefit financially or politically from their relationship with CFT may be used to support the candidacy of any person in a union officer election. Uses of such funds or resources which do not support one person’s candidacy over another are acceptable if provided to all candidates on an equal basis.
Such limitations shall include money or anything of value (such as the use of facilities, equipment, email lists or supplies) to promote the candidacy of any individual in a CFT election. The restriction on the use of union funds applies to all moneys received by the union by way of dues, assessment, or similar levy.
- The prohibition against the use of funds applies to direct expenditures, as well as indirect expenditures including:
- Campaigning on time paid for by the union, outside organization, or vendor except as clarified by the definition of “working hours” below,
- Use of union-/outside organization-/vendor-owned or leased equipment such as telephones, fax machines, and copy machines,
- Use of union/outside organization/vendor supplies such as stamps, paper and envelopes,
- Use of union, outside organization, or vendor (as described above) email systems and websites. This does not apply to using member work email addresses.
- Use of union employees to prepare campaign literature while on union time,
- Use of any union letterhead or logo (AFL-CIO, AFT, CFT or locals),
- Use of union/outside organization/vendor property or facilities for election forums unless all known candidates are invited to the forums,
- Giving free services or special discounts to a candidate customer such as printing, photocopying, etc.
- Campaigning by union officials, which is “incidental” to union business, is not a violation of federal law. For example, any campaigning by union officials which occurs as a consequence of conducting legitimate union business, such as shaking hands with members while visiting worksites on official business, is permissible.
- Candidates shall not take advantage of their positions as leaders of committees or councils to advocate for their candidacies during meetings of the committee or council.
- Current paid officers and union employees shall take vacation time or a leave of absence if they are going to campaign during work hours. “Working hours” for this purpose includes 8 hours each day from Monday to Friday.
- CFT will arrange for distribution of campaign materials by candidates or slates during the balloting period. The literature will be posted on a designated website that will be available to all delegates as well as sent by email to all delegate email addresses provided at registration.
- Candidates and slates shall have the option of submitting digital copies of campaign literature, which shall be emailed to the chair of the Nomination and Elections Committee at not later than 6:00 p.m. Friday, March 26, 2021. All materials submitted must be formatted for posting. Candidates must create their own literature. CFT will not review or edit the literature. CFT may not regulate or censor the contents of campaign literature, even if the literature includes derogatory remarks about other candidates.
- Each candidate and slate will be allowed up to three pieces of literature that may contain still pictures. In addition, each candidate and slate may conduct further campaigning on their own outside of this process.
These rules comply with the Department of Labor and Title IV of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA). LMRDA establishes certain rights for union members and contains provisions to ensure democracy and financial integrity.
- All questions or allegations of violations of these rules must be emailed to the chair of the Nominations and Election Committee not later than 6 p.m. on Saturday of the Convention.
- All allegations must cite the specific rule that has been violated and include the date, times, and location where the alleged violation occurred. The email must include the name and phone number of the person making the allegation. Any written evidence should be attached.
- A summary of the alleged violations will be submitted to the Nominations and Election Committee, all candidates, and members of the Executive Council.
- The Nominations and Elections Chair will respond to any questions. All written allegations of violations of the rules will be investigated by the chair of the Nominations and Election Committee, who shall consult with members of the committee. If the committee determines that a violation has occurred, the chair will immediately notify the candidate(s) to stop the violation(s).
- Any candidate has the right to appeal an election to the President of the American Federation of Teachers if there has been an alleged violation of these rules.
Election Rules for Division Council Officers
Voting for division council officers will take place electronically during the Division Council meetings on Saturday, March 20. Election results will be announced at division meetings.
- In order to vote in the Division Council elections, delegates must be registered on the Virtual Convention website by March 19 at midnight.
A. The following will be elected at the 2021 Convention:
EC/TK-12 Council
- President
- Senior Vice President
- Northern Vice President
- Southern Vice President
- Secretary
Council of Classified Employees
- President
- Northern Vice President
- Southern Vice President
- Secretary
Community College Council
- President
- Northern Vice President
- Southern Vice President
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Four Part-time Faculty At-Large
Council of Retired Members
- President
- Northern Vice President
- Southern Vice President
- Secretary-Treasurer
B. Presiding Over Elections
- The Nomination and Elections Committee shall have plenary powers to run the election in conjunction with a third-party company that has been retained to conduct the balloting by electronic vote. The committee is authorized to resolve any disputes that may arise, during or out of the election, subject only to the provisions of Article I, Section 12 of the CFT By-Laws as modified by the CFT Executive Council for purposes of conducting a virtual convention, which specify the procedures for nomination and election.
- A chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall preside over the Division Council meeting during the time of speeches.
- Questions or concerns regarding the conduct of the election should be directed to the chair of the Nomination and Elections Committee.
C. Nominations Procedure
- Candidates for council officers shall officially place their names in nomination by submitting a “Declaration of Candidacy” form to the committee chair via the online portal on the CFT website or by emailing not later than 6:00 p.m. Friday, March 19, 2021. Forms are available on the CFT website or by emailing
- The names of all announced candidates shall be read to the Council on Saturday, March 20, 2021.
- Nominations may be made from the floor during the Division Council meeting. A floor nominee must immediately complete a “Declaration of Candidacy” form and submit to the online portal on the CFT website or by emailing Forms can be found on the CFT website.
- After asking for nominations three times for each office, the chair shall declare the nominations closed.
- An opportunity shall be given for any person nominated to decline.
- Each candidate has two minutes for the purpose of discussing their candidacy. The candidates shall be recognized in alphabetical order. Any candidate may designate an alternate speaker.
A. Unanimous Consent
If there are only as many nominations as there are positions, elections may be by unanimous consent, and the voting procedure outlined in section B below will not take place.
B. Contested Elections
A contested election shall be conducted by electronic vote in accordance with the following procedure:
- In order to vote, a delegate must be registered as a voting delegate for the convention no later than 6:00 pm, Friday, March 19, 2021.
- Each delegation’s voting strength shall be checked and verified by the Nominations and Elections Committee.
- Ballots containing the delegate’s full name, local name and number, and average membership will be sent to each registered delegate, who has checked in to the Convention, via email by BallotPoint Election Services. The email will contain directions and a link to vote. Delegates will have one hour to cast their votes.
- The tabulation of votes will begin one hour from the origination time of the Ballotpoint email for voting.
- Should no candidate for a position receive a majority of ballots cast, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall compete in a run-off election, which will follow the same procedures just outlined.
C. Results of Election
- The candidates receiving a majority of votes shall be elected.
- Candidates running for the CCC Part-Time Faculty At-Large positions who receive the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected.
- The results of a unanimous consent or contested election will be announced at the March 20, 2021 Division Council meetings.
D. Independent Certification
The results and ballots shall be certified as accurate and retained by the independent body.