Retiree Resources


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Union Media

  • CFT United, formerly named California Teacher, is the union magazine with news and information relevant to all members, active and retired, plus a regular section dedicated to retirees. It is emailed to all members.
  • AFT Retirees is an email newsletter that will keep you abreast of national goings-on from the AFT Retiree Division.

Advocacy Organizations

Alliance for Retired Americans A broad coalition of community-based organizations and AFL-CIO-affiliated unions, including the AFT, that unites retirees with the goal of building the most effective organization to advocate for America’s seniors.

California Alliance for Retired Americans The state alliance, supported by the CFT, that unites retired workers and community groups to win a more secure future for individuals, families and future generations. Many CFT retiree members participate in CARA and several hold office.

  • Hene Kelly Vice President representing the CFT
  • Michael Nye Vice President representing Contra Costa West County Democratic Club 
  • Margaret Shelleda Vice President representing the CFT and AFT

Californians for Retirement Security A coalition of more than 1.6 million Californians representing public employees and retirees. Member organizations include the CFT, California Professional Firefighters, SEIU and dozens of other public employee unions.

National Institute on Retirement A non-profit research and education organization that contributes to informed policymaking by fostering the value of retirement security to employees, employers, and the economy as a whole.

Social Security Fairness A coalition, including CFT, that is working to change the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) that deny many public employees, including California teachers, the Social Security benefits they have earned.

Retirement Systems

CalPERS The retirement system for numerous groups of public employees in California, including many members of the classified service. The CFT monitors CalPERS actions and sends a representative to its board meetings.

CalSTRS The retirement system for K-12 teachers and community college faculty working in public schools and colleges. The CFT monitors CalSTRS actions and sends a representative to its board meetings.

UC Retirement System The retirement plan for educators employed by the University of California.


Social Security Fairness Act FAQ

February 25, 2025 update: Social Security administration announces schedule to start issuing retroactive payments in February and increase monthly benefit payments beginning in April.

Previous update (January 15, 2025):

The Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82) was signed into law by President Biden on January 5, 2025.

What does the Social Security Fairness Act (SSFA) do?


CalSTRS and CalPERS Data Breach: Impacts and Actions
Information and action items to protect yourself

Both Dennis Cox, the Southern Vice President for the CFT Council of Retired Members, and Doug Orr, Chair of the CFT Retirement Policy Committee, want impacted members to do whatever they can to protect themselves from a recent data breach that affected both CalSTRS and CalPERS.

In June, officials from both pension funds announced that cyber attackers stole information, including names, Social Security numbers and birth dates.