Schedule & Program
Virtual Convention Events
Virtual Convention website opens! Delegates were sent a unique code by email and must register on this site to participate in Convention, and to receive a ballot for CFT elections.
2 pm–4pm Nominations & Elections Committee meets via Zoom
Division Councils will meet via Zoom.
- 9 am–12 pm Council of Classified Employees
- 10 am–1 pm EC/TK-12 Council
- 10 am–1 pm Community College Council
- 1 pm–3 pm Council of Retired Members
3 pm–6 pm Executive Council meets via Zoom
5 pm–6 pm Delegate Orientation to Virtual Convention
Join us on the Virtual Convention website and learn how to be an active participant in our online Convention. In this orientation, you will learn about the new virtual platform, how to connect with delegates, and how to vote on matters facing delegates and in union elections.
- All Convention Committees will meet via Zoom; committee members will receive a Zoom invitation.
- Find committee assignments here.
11 am–12 pm Credentials Committee
12 pm–1 pm Rules Committee
1 pm–2:30 pm Constitution Committee
3 pm–5:30 pm Resolution Subcommittees
- Education Finance
- Health Care, Retirement and Benefits
- Professional Issues: EC/TK-12
- Professional Issues: Higher Education
- Socio-Political
About Our Sessions
- All Friday and Saturday sessions will be held on the Virtual Convention website. Delegates, alternates and guests were sent a unique code by email and must register on this site to participate in Convention, to receive a ballot for CFT elections, and to vote on amendments and resolutions during the Business Sessions.
- Delegates, alternates and guests may access sessions on the Virtual Convention site, by clicking on Program, locating the session, and clicking BROADCAST.
- If you have questions or need assistance, please email
8:45 am –11:30 am GENERAL SESSION
11:30 pm–12:30 pm Marketplace and Networking Break
Take a few minutes to meet our vendors! Join a virtual table and learn about more potential benefits of union membership.
1:15 pm–3:30 pm BUSINESS SESSION (for delegates only)
4:30 pm–5:30 pm Virtual Social Hour
Join your CFT colleagues for BYO hors d’oeuvres and libations… Pull up a seat at a virtual table and have a chat with delegates from local unions up and down the state
8:45 am –11:30 am GENERAL SESSION
11:30 pm–12:30 pm Marketplace and Networking Break
Take a few minutes to meet our vendors! Join a virtual table and learn about more potential benefits of union membership.
1:15 pm–3:30 pm BUSINESS SESSION (for delegates only)
General Session – Friday, March 26
- This session will be held on the Virtual Convention website. Delegates, alternates and guests were sent a unique code by email and must register on this site to participate in Convention.
- Delegates, alternates and guests may join this session on the Virtual Convention site, by clicking on Program, locating the session, and clicking BROADCAST. Registrants also received an email from “CFT Convention” with a link to join the broadcast.
- If you have questions or need assistance, please email
- All CFT members may view this session live; please watch your email for the link.
8:45 am –11:30 am GENERAL SESSION
Join us early for union-style entertainment! Official start at 9 am.
Welcome from Convention Co-Chairs
Senior Vice President Lacy Barnes and Vice President Joanne Waddell open Virtual Convention.
First Nation Recognition
Waksatchi Tribal Elder Delbert Davis bestows a Mono Indian blessing.
Welcome from Labor
AFT Secretary Treasurer Fedrick Ingram welcomes delegates.
Guest Speaker — U.S. Senator Alex Padilla
Alex Padilla, who served as California’s first Latino Secretary of State, speaks to recovering and rebuilding in his new position as U.S. Senator.
Guest Speaker — Ebony Harper
Nationally recognized activist Ebony Harper is director of California TRANScends, a statewide initiative to promote the health and wellness of transgender people.
Welcome to the New CFT Identity
We launch our union’s new identity — CFT: A Union of Educators and Classified Professionals.
Organizing Recognition
CFT and local unions rose to the pandemic challenge, adding 3,000 new members statewide and two new bargaining units.
Video: Pico Rivera El Rancho Recall
Women in Education Awards
Kati Bassler, Salinas Valley Federation of Teachers, and Linda Delp, UC-AFT Los Angeles, are honored for promoting the rights of women in the educational workplace.
State of the Union Address
President Jeffery Freitas recounts our union’s priorities and successes.
In Memoriam — Moment of Silence
Join us in this moment of silence to honor CFT vice presidents we have lost, and all those we have lost to COVID-19.
Business Session – Friday, March 26
- This session will be held on the Virtual Convention website. Delegates, alternates and guests were sent a unique code by email and must register on the site to vote on amendments and resolutions during this session, and to receive a ballot for CFT elections.
- Delegates, alternates and guests may join this session on the Virtual Convention site, by clicking on Program, locating the session, and clicking BROADCAST.
- If you have questions or need assistance, please email
- Only delegates, alternates or guests can attend this session.
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Marketplace and Networking Break
Take a few minutes to meet our vendors! Join a virtual table and learn about more potential benefits of union membership.
1:15 pm – 3:30 pm BUSINESS SESSION
Relax and be entertained before business begins. Official start at 1:30 pm.
Call to Order
President Jeffery Freitas opens the first Business Session of our 78th CFT Convention.
Confirmation of Convention Officers
Delegates will confirm the Convention Parliamentarian.
Adoption of Convention Rules
The chair of the Rules Committee, Jim Mahler, presents the rules governing Virtual Convention for delegate approval. Find the Convention Rules here.
Credentials Committee Report,
Chair Miki Goral reports the number of delegates in attendance. Find Roll Call Number 1 here.
Nominations and Elections Committee Report
Learn about the nomination process and how and when to cast your local’s votes from committee Chair Joshua Briggs. Find Declarations of Candidacy & Election Rules here.
Secretary Treasurer Report
The union’s top fiscal officer, Luukia Smith, presents an overview of CFT finances.
Constitution Committee Report
Proposed amendments to the CFT Constitution and By-Laws to be voted upon by delegates are presented by committee chair John Perez. Find the proposed amendments here.
Resolutions Committee Report
Chair Susan Solomon presents the first round of resolutions in collaboration with the chairs of our five subcommittees. Find the proposed resolutions here.
Convention Committee Co-Chairs Lacy Barnes and Joanne Waddell close the Business Session with news and updates.
4:30 pm –5:30 pm Virtual Social Hour
Join your CFT colleagues for BYO hors d’oeuvres and libations… Pull up a seat at a virtual table and have a chat with delegates from local unions up and down the state.
General Session – Saturday, March 27
- This session will be held on the Virtual Convention website. Delegates, alternates and guests were sent a unique code by email and must register on this site to participate in Convention.
- Delegates, alternates and guests may join this session on the Virtual Convention site, by clicking on Program, locating the session, and clicking BROADCAST.
- If you have questions or need assistance, please email
- All CFT members may view this session live; please watch your email for the link.
8:45 am –11:30 am GENERAL SESSION
Join us for wake-up entertainment! Official start at 9 am.
Call to Order
Secretary Treasurer Luukia Smith opens the second day of CFT Convention.
Raoul Teilhet Scholarships
Our proud program has awarded scholarships to 715 children or dependents of CFT members.
Ben Rust Award
Cathy Campbell, former president of the Berkeley Federation of Teachers and former CFT Vice President, will receive the CFT’s highest honor.
Guest Speaker — Khalil Gibran Muhammad
Known as one of the most influential authorities on racial justice in America, Harvard Professor Khalil Gibran Muhammad is redefining our understanding of diversity.
Panel Discussion: Our Work with Labor and Community Partners
Learn how our unions are working with labor and community groups on issues of common good — education, immigration, racial justice, and contingent labor.
- Moderator: Lacy Barnes, CFT Senior Vice President
- Belinda Lum, Los Rios College Federation of Teachers
- Susan Solomon, United Educators of San Francisco
- Cecily Myart-Cruz, United Teachers Los Angeles
- Mia McIver, UC-AFT
A Conversation About the Pandemic and Vaccinations with Dr. Grace Lee
All about vaccines from Stanford professor Dr. Grace Lee, who serves on the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
Political Activism Recognition
Members recognized for their efforts in the Presidential and Georgia elections, and for taking the bold step to run for public office themselves.
Legislator of the Year Award
Oakland Assemblymember Rob Bonta is recognized for sharing our vision of public education in the state Legislature.
Greetings from Vice President Kamala Harris
Delegates will hear from our former U.S. Senator now elected to our nation’s second highest position — U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris!
Video: Above and Beyond with Love
Guest Speaker — AFT President Randi Weingarten
Our national president speaks to AFT’s extraordinary efforts during the pandemic to ensure that workplaces are safe for education professionals and healthcare workers.
Business Session – Saturday, March 27
- This session will be held on the Virtual Convention website. Delegates, alternates and guests were sent a unique code by email and must register on the site to vote on amendments and resolutions during this session, and to receive a ballot for CFT elections.
- Delegates, alternates and guests may join this session on the Virtual Convention site, by clicking on Program, locating the session, and clicking BROADCAST.
- If you have questions or need assistance, please email
- Only delegates, alternates or guests can attend this session.
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Marketplace and Networking Break
Take a few minutes to meet our vendors! Join a virtual table and learn about more potential benefits of union membership.
1:15 pm – 3:30 pm BUSINESS SESSION
Sit back and be entertained. Official start at 1:30 pm.
Call to Order
President Jeff Freitas opens the final Business Session.
Credentials Committee Report
Chair Miki Goral presents the final report of delegates in attendance.
Nominations and Elections Committee Report
Committee Chair Josh Briggs announces the candidates running for CFT office and as delegates to AFT Convention and California Labor Federation Convention. Find Election information here.
Candidate Speeches
The candidates make their case for election.
Sit & stretch with MaryClaire Robinson from UC Davis.
Resolutions Committee Report
Chair Susan Solomon presents the final round of resolutions in collaboration with chairs of the subcommittees. Find the proposed resolutions here.
Prize Drawing
Delegates or alternates in attendance at the time of the drawing could be one of our lucky winners! Listen for raffle info throughout the Convention.
Convention Co-Chairs Lacy Barnes and Joanne Waddell wrap up Convention 2021.
Preparing for CFT Convention
Date | Due to CFT |
Jan 4 | Ben Rust Award nominations |
Jan 4 | Women in Education Award nominations |
Jan 29 | Constitutional amendments |
Jan 29 | Resolutions to form Councils of Locals |
Feb 12 | Resolutions |
Feb 12 | Notify CFT of special needs under the ADA |
Mar 12 | Per capita payments through December 2020 due to CFT |
Mar 12 | Division Council membership due by 5 pm |
Mar 12 | Local delegate and alternate lists due by 5 pm |
Mar 12 | Delegate committee service choices due by 5 pm |
Mar 12 | Guests and visitors must registration by 5 pm |